Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Contact a chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer today!

Chart a Course for Financial Stability

Get top-tier wage-earner bankruptcy services in Memphis, TN

Have you missed several payments in a row? Your creditor may try to take action against you by seizing your home, car or rental property. They may even try to take money from your bank account or paycheck. To avoid these collection efforts, call the Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer at The Law Office of Jonathan Garrett in Memphis, TN.

Also known as wage-earner bankruptcy, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is helpful for individuals with an income that is insufficient to pay back outstanding debt and continue to make mortgage and car payments. If you qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you'll follow a three-to-five-year repayment plan.

Call 901-323-3200 now to speak with a Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer in Memphis, TN.